Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2021

Introduction to SAST

DevSecOps means countering threats at all stages of creating a software product. The DevSecOps process is impossible without securing the source code. In this article, I would like to talk about Static Application Security Testing (SAST). As development fluency is growing every year, many companies are introducing DevSecOps. Its main message calls for ensuring continuous safety control at every stage of product creation. At the same time, DevSecOps processes are automated as much as possible.

Fostering DevSecOps: Tool orchestration enables AppSec to keep pace with DevOps

Learn how tool orchestration empowers AppSec to keep pace with DevOps, providing a union of security and speed. Many organizations have advanced from the DevOps methodology to DevSecOps, and it is expected this trend will continue throughout 2020 as more enterprises leverage the cloud. A DevSecOps approach promotes collaboration between software application development teams and application security teams.

JFrog Xray + Splunk + SIEM: Towards Implementing a Complete DevSecOps Strategy

Making security an intrinsic part of a DevOps pipeline is a “must-have” for organizations looking to secure their applications earlier in the development process. The combination of JFrog Artifactory and JFrog Xray enables organizations to build security into all phases of their software development lifecycle, so they can proactively detect and mitigate open source software (OSS) security vulnerabilities and license compliance issues that impact their software.

Secure DevOps on Google Cloud: Reduce cloud and container risk

Google Cloud is helping businesses build and deploy apps faster than ever before, but at the same time, cloud teams must consider how to implement secure DevOps practices to avoid risk. We’re partnering with Google Cloud to provide security solutions to cloud teams to simplify safeguarding cloud and containers. Today, we announced our collaboration with Google Cloud.


Do you want to archive old emails now? We’ve all seen the prompt and many of us choose to consign thousands of emails to an uncertain fate, protected (somewhere) in case we should ever need to cover our arses in some future argument. But this paints a very limited and negative picture of the importance and indeed relevance of archives. Today archives are associated with rearward-facing research, often seeking to uncover a truth long after alternative facts have taken hold.

DevSecOps Road Trip Netherlands stop - Nanne Baars & Brian Vermeer

Session 1: From attack to writing code...what do you need to know as a developer? We will look at a concrete attack called: "XML external entity attack (XXE)" and see how we can trace it back to writing code. The described mitigations are simple: configure your parser securely, but is it this simple? We will focus on some examples and see if we can catch the attack with tests, code reviews, etc. Nanne Baars, Developer at Xebia and OWASP WebGoat Project lead

DevSecOps Road Trip UK stop - Andrew Martin & Lili Kastilio

Session 1: Threat Modelling Kubernetes Cloud native container and Kubernetes systems bring new threats and risks to our precious workloads. As cloud technologies undergo rapid innovation and new tools and techniques emerge, security can get left behind. The answer to this conveyor-belt of potential insecurity? Threat modelling!

ASOC series part 1: How application security orchestration and correlation can improve DevSecOps efficiency

Application security orchestration and correlation tools empower security teams to speed up the AppSec process without sacrificing quality. In its 2019 “Hype Cycle for Application Security” report, Gartner revealed a new, high-priority tool category called application security orchestration and correlation (ASOC). ASOC delivers three primary benefits to the AppSec process within organizations: efficiency, scalability, and accountability.