Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2020

Why is Dynamic Analysis an Important Part of Your AppSec Mix?

By now, most are familiar with the concept of DevSecOps. With DevSecOps, application security (AppSec) is moved to the beginning of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). By scanning earlier in the SDLC, you are able to find and fix flaws earlier. This can result in significant time and cost savings. Most organizations understand the importance of static analysis, which scans for flaws during development, but dynamic application security testing (DAST) is just as important.

Announcing Veracode Security Labs Community Edition

We recently partnered with Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to survey software development and security professionals about modern application development and how applications are tested for security. The soon-to-be-announced survey found that 53% of organizations provide security training for developers less than once a year, which is woefully inadequate for the rapid pace of change in software development.

What Does it Take to be a Rockstar Developer?

If there’s one thing you need to value as you move through your career as a modern software developer, it’s the importance of security. With application layers increasing and the shift left movement bringing security into the picture earlier on the development process, security should be top of mind for every developer working to write and compile successful code.

New Forrester Report: Build a Developer Security Champions Program

We know firsthand how critical it is for developers and security professionals to have a great working relationship. That extends beyond simply communicating well; for your DevSecOps program to come together so that you can secure your applications, you need to break down silos and improve security knowledge across the board.

Enabling DevSecOps with the Elastic Stack

Software development and delivery is an ever-changing landscape. Writing software was once an art form all its own, where you could write and deploy machine code with singleness of purpose and no concern for things like connecting to other computers. But as the world and the variety of systems that software supports became more complex, so did the ecosystem supporting software development.

DevSecOps for Kubernetes-based Applications

In this webinar, we will discuss concerns over security, privacy, and compliance holding back organizations from making the move to fully cloud-native initiatives. As more and more companies orchestrate their containerized applications in Kubernetes, enabling DevSecOps and continuous security becomes a must. We will look at the end-to-end SDLC process - from the first line of code up to an application running in a Kubernetes cluster - to examine the importance of DevSecOps.

As the Security Talent Shortage Intensifies, How Do You Upskill Your Development Team?

Developers want to create secure code, but lack training, so they must rely on AppSec experts to create secure applications. But the severe cybersecurity talent shortage leads to: As a result, developers are often conducting their own security research, which takes substantial time, increasing software delays and costs. With Veracode, you enable developers to write secure code and decrease flaws, so you can make your developers security self-sufficient.