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May 2023

Security Obscurity: DNS Tunnelling and CensysGPT

Join Bill Carter and Robin Johns as they talk about the latest and greatest Cybersecurity topics and incidents happening across our digital landscape. In this episode we dive into the concepts and attack vectors of DNS Tunnelling, as well as start exploring the dangerous OSINT tools of Shodan and Censys. Security through obscurity used to be acceptable, but with GPTs and Adversarial GANs appearing - is this still a valid approach?

Digital Transformation Is a Major Driver of Network Transformation

Many organizations are in the midst of rapid digital transformation. In the past few years, numerous new and promising technologies have emerged and matured, promising significant benefits. For example, many organizations are rapidly adopting cloud computing, and the growing maturity of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has the potential to unlock new operational efficiencies.

ChatGPT and Cato: Get Fish, Not Tackles

ChatGPT is all the rage these days. Its ability to magically produce coherent and typically well-written, essay-length answers to (almost) any question is simply mind-blowing. Like any marketing department on the planet, we wanted to “latch onto the news.” How can we connect Cato and ChatGPT? Our head of demand generation, Merav Keren, made an interesting comparison between ChatGPT and Google Search.

CyberTalk with Bill and Robin - 24th May 2023

Join Bill Carter and Robin Johns as they talk about all about the latest hot news and topics in the world of cybersecurity! In this week's episode, Bill and Robin cover the expanding scope of Ransomware with threat actors such as Black Basta running rampant, as well as the new 'suspicious' TLD! How do these threat actors keep getting away with their attacks, and why should you be concerned about these new top-level-domains? Learn all this and more on the latest episode.

Why Network Visibility is Essential for Your Organization

Most modern companies are highly reliant on their IT infrastructure for day-day business, with employees relying on numerous on-prem and cloud-based software solutions for their daily activities. However, for many companies, the network can be something of a black box. As long as data gets from point A to point B and applications continue to function, everything is assumed to be okay. However, the network can be a rich source of data about the state of the business.

Achieving Zero Trust Maturity with Cato SSE 360

Trust is a serious issue facing enterprise architectures today. Legacy architectures are designed on implicit trust, which makes them vulnerable to modern-day attacks. A Zero Trust approach to security can remedy this risk, but transitioning isn’t always easy or inexpensive. CISA, the US government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, suggests a five-pillar model to help guide organizations to zero trust maturity.

Updated Cato DLP Engine Brings Customization, Sensitivity Labels, and More

Last year, we launched Cato DLP to great success. It was the first DLP engine that could protect data across all enterprise applications without the need for complex, cumbersome DLP rules. Since then, we have been improving the DLP engine and adding key capabilities, including user-defined data types for increased control and integration with Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) to immediately apply sensitivity labels to your DLP policy. Let’s take a closer look.

The Business Case for Security Transformation with Cato SSE 360

Organizations require an understanding of the positive ROI implications of security transformation with a holistic, cloud-delivered security architecture. A well-formed security transformation strategy provides an objective cost analysis of potential savings gained by retiring traditional security tools. Understanding how a single converged software stack provides both a financial ROI and a technical ROI will help organizations uncover hidden savings to be gained with their transformation projects.

SASE For Different Verticals

When exploring a revolutionary architecture like SASE, it helps to have specific, relatable examples. SASE overlaps both networking and security spaces, sometimes making it difficult to see the whole picture. In this new eBook, we explore what SASE looks like for 5 different industry verticals: Retail & Hospitality, Manufacturing, Credit Unions, Health & Pharmaceuticals and Technology. Many of the benefits of SASE can provide value to any organization, so even if your specific vertical isn't covered, you should take a look!

Berlin Q&A with Porsche Motorspot Head of IT Tag Heuer Porsche Formula E Team

Decision making during an E-Prix is influenced by the ability to analyze data efficiently at speed. Did you know the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team use multiple channels on a private network to make crucial real-time judgement calls? Watch Friedemann Kurz, Head of IT at Porsche Motorsport, to find out more.

The Tag Heuer Porsche Formula E Team uses a private network at an E-Prix. Here's why:

When it comes to IT architecture, the set-up is the same for the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team, making it easier to identify bottlenecks or malware threats. Thomas Eue, Lead IT Product Manager at Porsche Motorsport, explains why the Team doesn’t connect to public networks at race weekends.

Cybertalk with Bill and Robin - 3rd April 2023 - The RSA Roundup

Join Bill Carter and Robin Johns as we learn what's happening in the world of CyberSecurity. Last week Bill was at the RSA Conference, where there were over 50,000 attendees and multiple security vendors present. But what topics were on the hears and minds of those who visited? Learn about the 'top 5' items which are currently concerning, and exciting, security practitioners in this latest episode.

Achieving Zero Trust Maturity with Cato SSE 360

While organizations realize they must deploy zero trust, knowing where to begin and how to deploy has become an impediment for many. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) is one of several zero-trust maturity models that provide organizations with a measurable path to zero trust. The Cato SSE 360 architecture is a secure platform that helps facilitate Zero Trust maturity while delivering complete 360-degree protection for users, applications and data. This white paper will discuss how Cato SSE 360 can help facilitate Zero Trust Maturity.

SASE vs. the Upside Down World of Networking and Security

Before SASE, network and network security services were delivered through multiple point solutions, including legacy appliances. These legacy appliances operated in silos and required countless IT resources and attention to deploy, manage, maintain, and replace. Today, some enterprises are still trapped using these legacy appliances, despite their shortcomings. In the parallel, modern world, SASE offers a single cloud-native network and security service for all networking and security needs.