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March 2023

Reset Password via Set-ADAccountPassword Poweshell Cmdlet

Users normally update their domain account passwords using the Windows Settings menu. But if they forget their password or their account is disabled, an administrator needs to step in. This blog post explores several ways that an admin can reset a user’s password or create a new one. First, we review the easiest options: Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) and Active Directory Administrative Center (ADAC).

Best Practice Tips for Better SharePoint Site Security

Microsoft SharePoint is one of the most popular platforms for collaboration and content sharing within internal teams and even with external users. Therefore, ensuring SharePoint security is vital to helping your company avoid costly data breaches and business disruptions. This article details the key best practices for protecting your SharePoint sites, whether you are using on-prem SharePoint Server or SharePoint Online version.

External Sharing in SharePoint: Tips for Wise Implementation

Microsoft SharePoint enables users to share files with coworkers in just a few clicks. However, external sharing is just as easy— which puts the security of your sensitive data at risk. To help you control external sharing of files and folders without interfering with legitimate collaboration, this article details the external sharing settings available in the Microsoft administrative interfaces and offers best practices for configuring them.

How to Install TLS/SSL Certificates in NetApp ONTAP

HTTPS is the standard method for internet communications that transmit sensitive data. The TLS protocol is the backbone of HTTPS, encrypting connections so transmitted information can’t be intercepted or modified. HTTPS should also be used with local web applications that transmit sensitive data. This includes NetApp servers, since external applications and users need to authenticate, authorize and transfer data with the NetApp ONTAP operating system.

Data Lifecycle Management

Data lifecycle management (DLM) is the process of safeguarding data appropriately throughout its existence. The basic data lifecycle stages are creation, storage, data usage, sharing and destruction: Figure 1. The 6 basic data lifecycle management stages The goal of DLM is to ensure data security and regulatory compliance during all stages without throttling business productivity. Achieving this goal requires different processes and policies at various times during the data lifecycle.

Securing Your Amazon S3 Buckets

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s largest cloud provider, with well over a million active users. The popularity of AWS makes it one of the biggest targets for cybercriminals — and one of the leading contributors to breaches is incorrectly configured Amazon S3 buckets. For example, an insecure bucket led to the unauthorized access of 23 million documents and 6.5 TB of data belonging to Pegasus Airlines.