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Application Security

The latest News and Information on Application Security including monitoring, testing, and open source.

How to See Yourself in Cyber: Top Tips from Industry Leaders

It’s 2022 and as we all know, the world is a very different place. However, one thing that has not changed is the importance of cybersecurity. In fact, it’s more important now than ever before, as the SolarWinds hack and Executive Order prove. That’s why for Cybersecurity Awareness Month this year, we asked cybersecurity pioneers and leaders to get their insights on staying cyber safe. Here are their thoughts on CISA’s 4 Things You Can Do to See Yourself in Cyber.

Snyk named a 2022 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for Application Security Testing

Snyk, the leader in developer security, is excited to share that we’ve been named a Customers’ Choice in the 2022 Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Application Security Testing. Gartner defines the Application Security Testing category as products and services designed to analyze and test applications for security vulnerabilities. This distinction is based on meeting or exceeding overall rating, user interest, and adoption.

Are You CODEfident?

We’ve been watching the global transition to an app-driven world for some time now, as companies develop and deploy innovative software at warp speed. And we’ve also watched application security teams struggle to keep up. Many try to use yesterday’s tools for today’s AppSec reality, while others wrestle with immature application security programs. And that’s when we realized: modern application security programs are different. They run on CODEfidence. Let me explain.

Secure Cloud-native Development: The Top Five Security Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

The reason organizations are embracing cloud-native development is clear: AWS reports those who migrated saw an average of 20% infrastructure cost savings and 66% increase in administrator productivity. Moving your development process to the cloud offers these benefits and many others, but it also offers a whole new set of security challenges. This series is aimed at helping developers create secure infrastructure for modern, cloud-native applications.

Foundational Activities for Secure Software Development

The Broadway Tower in Worcestershire, England is a famous structure. It’s inspiring, beautiful, and at 62 feet high, like other similar buildings, it’s a folly. While it looks grand inside and out, it serves no purpose than to be a decoration. It’s all too easy to buy a set of policies and procedures, change the company name and some other details, then present it as an application development and security program.

How to Engage Developers to Build a Successful Application Security Program

If you’re helping shape application security in an organization, whether as an external security consultant or vendor, or as part of an internal security team, it is critical to work effectively with developers. While a lot of individuals have an interest and stake in security, and many have a significant role to play, developers who write code and fix flaws determine whether application security initiatives succeed or fail.

6 Developer Personas Every Security Practitioner Needs to Understand

When it comes to engaging developers for a successful application security program, it is helpful to understand the types of developers you are working with. While of course each developer is a unique individual, there are some common personas I have come across in my work with development teams. In fact, as a developer in prior jobs, I have embodied some of these traits myself. Let’s dive in.

8 Ways Secure Coding Lets You Work on the Best Projects, Advance Your Career, and Do More of What You Love

As a developer, DevOps engineer, Infrastructure & Operations lead, or similar, you are on the frontlines of application security. You are also on the frontlines of performance, functionality, stability, user experience…the list goes on. Often it seems like security is just one more requirement, one more box to check, one more obstacle between you, your deadline, and what you really care about. But I see it differently.

Healthcare Industry Leads the Way in Fixing Software Flaws

The healthcare industry is transforming patient care through software, from 24/7 digital patient portals, to AI-fueled medical research, and everything in between. As innovation reaches new heights, how does healthcare stack up against other sectors in terms of software security flaws and the ability to remediate them?