Under the Wing: The Risks of Microsoft Security

Under the Wing: The Risks of Microsoft Security

Cyber risk starts with your choice of security provider. Your security investment is one of the most CRITICAL business decisions you can make. You may have heard that Microsoft offers endpoint security as a built-in feature of their products. But if your security is “free” - you’re getting what you pay for. In our latest episode of Under the Wing, join Mark as he dives deeper into some of the risks of using Microsoft security products and 5 reasons why CrowdStrike customers never have to compromise on security.

Additional Resources to Learn More:
Register for the Falcon Encounter Workshop: https://experiencethedifferencebetweencsandmsft.splashthat.com/

Learn more about the 3 ways customers compromise on security with Microsoft: https://www.crowdstrike.com/microsoft-risk/

Start a 15-day free trial of the CrowdStrike Falcon platform: