Privileged Access Management (PAM) with Netwrix Solutions

Privileged Access Management (PAM) with Netwrix Solutions

Jul 7, 2023

Minimize your attack surface by eliminating the need for standing privilege altogether. Reduce the risk of business disruptions or compliance failures by managing and tracking all privileged activity in one place.

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Every day, organizations face the threat of cyberattacks that target privileged accounts. In fact, a staggering 74% of data breaches start with compromised privileged accounts and credentials. Is your organization prepared to defend against these attacks?

What if an attacker obtains access to one of your privileged accounts?

What if a new admin mistakenly changes the configuration of a server, exposing sensitive information?

How do you prove to auditors that all privileged activity in your organization is legitimate and under control?

Netwrix Privilege Secure is the answer.

This complete solution empowers you to slash the risks associated with privileged accounts.

You can:

  • Gain insight into your attack surface by identifying all always-on privileged accounts across your organization, including local admins, service accounts and scheduled tasks.
  • Replace risky always-on privileges with just-in-time temporary accounts that have just enough access for the task at hand and that are automatically deleted afterward.
  • Prevent breaches and ensure accountability by closely monitoring all privileged activity for suspicious behavior.
  • Prove compliance with strict regulatory requirements with a tamper-proof audit trail of every session.
  • Enforce least privilege by empowering data owners to regularly review access rights to their content and remove any excessive privileges.
  • Don't delay—visit today to lock down your privileged accounts before they are compromised.