How to Sign .EXE File Using YubiKey Manager? - Detailed Guide from

How to Sign .EXE File Using YubiKey Manager? - Detailed Guide from

Learn how to sign windows executables using YubiKey!

Whenever you are individual software developer or a organization needs to publish software, code signing gets performed. It helps to build a trustworthy relationship with end-users, as signed software eliminates Unknown Publisher Warnings.

According to new CA/Browser policies, every certificate owner needs to store the private key in a hardware token. And the token must align with FIPS standards. Otherwise, the certificate will not get issued.

When it comes to FIPS aligning tokens, Yubico YubiKey tops the list. It aids in storing certificates and associated private key in a secure ecosystem, preventing unauthorized access. Here is how to sign.exe file using YubiKey.

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