How AI Impacts Reconnaissance and Bug Bounties

How AI Impacts Reconnaissance and Bug Bounties

Sep 3, 2024

Is AI impacting security reconnaissance and bug bounties? Will AI be used by malicious actors in security research?

These are just a few questions asked in this interview with NahamSec, in which we discuss AI in the coding and cyber security sector, how it can be used both positively and negatively, how it can impact the job market, and how it can be controlled to better serve the industry.

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✍️ Resources ✍️

⏲️ Chapters ⏲️

00:00 - Intro

00:28 - How AI impacts bug bounty hunting

05:22 - Risks of relying on AI driven tools

07:00 - Does training AI pose a risk?

08:40 - Is using AI lazy?

09:28 - Do you foresee AI being used by malicious actors?

11:30 - What kind of exploits is AI good at finding?

14:00 - AI accelerates, not replaces

15:00 - How is AI going to impact the job market?

17:29 - Are newbies at a disadvantage if they don't use AI?

18:47 - Which AI tools or techniques are promising / concerning?

19:00 - How will AI impact the incentive structures of bounty programs?

24:15 - How can we defend against AI?

26:00 - Outro

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