Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Customisable Queuing Pages | Virtual Waiting Room

Netacea Virtual Waiting Room ensures website availability for customer transactions by placing visitors the system cannot cope with into a queue and serving them customisable content. Inform your customers with a branded queuing screen detailing their place in the queue and the estimated waiting time. Encourage customers to spend more by displaying special offers and discount codes.

Application Discovery and Inventory with ImmuniWeb

ImmuniWeb® Discovery is a part of the ImmuniWeb Application Security Testing Platform. Leveraging big data and a non-intrusive OSINT reconnaissance technology, it quickly builds a comprehensive list of your external web and mobile apps for actionable inventory, continuous monitoring, risk and compliance management.

ImmuniWeb AI Application Security Testing Platform Overview

ImmuniWeb® Platform is The Turnkey Service for Application Security Testing. ImmuniWeb® Platform leverages Machine Learning and AI for intelligent automation and acceleration of Application Security Testing (AST). Complemented by scalable and cost-effective manual testing, it detects the most sophisticated vulnerabilities and comes with a zero false-positives SLA.

Tripwire Enterprise Demo: Improving your policy and compliance program

Tripwire Enterprise evaluates your systems to ensure compliance with security standards like PCI, NIST, CIS and ISO. It works with over 800 policy and platform combinations and allows you to create new policy content based on your organizational standards. Clear and understandable dashboarding provides visualization for compliance stakeholders. Watch this video for a demonstration of fast, accurate SCM in action with Tripwire Enterprise.