

Project Description

KDT is a command line client for Kondukto written in Go. It interacts with Kondukto engine through public API.

With KDT, you can list projects and their scans in Kondukto, and restart a scan with a specific application security tool. KDT is also easy to use in CI/CD pipelines to trigger scans and break releases if a scan fails or scan results don't met specified release criteria.

What is Kondukto?

Kondukto is an Application Security Testing Orchestration platform that helps you centralize and automate your entire AppSec related vulnerability management process. Providing an interface where security health of applications can be continuously monitored, and a command line interface where your AppSec operations can be integrated into DevOps pipelines, Kondukto lets you manage your AppSec processes automatically with ease.


Download source code as [.zip file] [.tar.gz file]
Documentation: [README]