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Bitsight Vendor Risk Management Walkthrough

Streamline Assessments, Monitor Vendors, and Validate Security Posture with Ease. No more manual workflows or toggling between tools—with Bitsight VRM, part of the industry’s first end-to-end third-party risk management solution, you can effortlessly navigate through risk assessments and continuous monitoring with just a flip of a switch. Discover a new level of clarity and efficiency with instant access to an ever-growing network of 40,000+ vendor profiles. Track onboarding and validate questionnaire responses with objective data to make informed decisions and expedite risk mitigation.

Identifying Blind Spots Through External Attack Surface Management

Did you know that 69% of organizations have experienced some type of cyber attack in which the attack itself started through the exploit of an unknown, unmanaged, or poorly managed internet-facing asset? Understanding the scope of your organization’s external attack surface is essential. You need to continuously manage your digital footprint to know where risks exist and how to prioritize vulnerable areas. Gain visibility into what an attacker sees and take informed action to reduce exposure and empower your organization’s growth and success.