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Threat Exposure Management for the Expanding Attack Surface

How to Expose Critical Threats and Proactively Prevent Breaches In today's cyber landscape, identifying and mitigating threats from an attacker's perspective is not just an option – it's a necessity. Watch this insightful fireside chat with Forrester Senior Analyst Erik Nost and IONIX CEO Marc Gaffan, as they dive into the world of Threat Exposure Management (TEM) and its pivotal role in safeguarding your business.

Digital Supply-Chain Attacks: Exploits and Statistics

Growing digital connectivity has led to the rise of digital supply-chain attacks. This session will explain, demonstrate, and provide statistics about the complexity of the problem and about attacks that arose due to dependencies on external infrastructures. While there is no simple solution to the problem, we will present a strategy to reduce exposure and create processes to avoid such vulnerabilities.

Talking Cloud with special guest Co-Founder & Chief Business Officer at Cyberpion

We are kicking off December and Talking Cloud with the Co-Founder and CBO at Cyberpion. If you're like me, you're wondering how to pronounce the name of the company, let alone exactly what they do in the cloud. You'll not only learn how to properly pronounce the name of the company but also learn where the name came from and the unique solution they have built to address the hyper-connected world we all live in today. Hear my fun and informative discussion with Ran Nahamis.