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#177 - Intel Chat: Supply-Chain Firewall, Scattered Spider, Linux malware & another NTLM exploit

In this episode of The Cybersecurity Defenders Podcast, we discuss some cutting-edge intel coming out of LimaCharlie's community Slack channel. The live stream mentioned in this episode for the Cybersecurity Cares Fundraising efforts for Becky’s Fund took place on December 19, 2024.

Building a Profitable MSSP: Modern Pricing Strategies for Maximum Growth

MSSPs face a difficult 2025 as several prominent security vendors move toward offering services. Staying profitable will be challenging in an environment where licensing fees are increasing, partners are becoming competitors, and emerging technologies threaten traditional security practices. Create a winning plan by joining Matt Bromiley, Lead Solutions Engineer at LimaCharlie, for an informative webinar on MSSP pricing strategies.