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Hardening Your Active Directory with Advanced Strategies

In an age where digital defenses are constantly under attack, it's clear that your Active Directory serves as the battleground for your cybersecurity efforts. With Verizon's 2024 DBIR report highlighting compromised credentials as the most favored attack vector, the importance of fortifying your Active Directory cannot be understated. A breach doesn't just mean inconvenience; it signifies potential catastrophe - crippling system downtimes, critical data breaches, and organizational standstill.

Prevention Capabilities of Fidelis Network: A Comprehensive Overview

The paper emphasizes the significance of robust cybersecurity measures, citing a startling fact: Fidelis Network comprises four types of sensors, each capable of blocking malware attacks, limiting data leakage, and locking down control and operational channels used by active attackers. This in-depth overview looks into Fidelis Network's prevention capabilities, providing useful insights into how each sensor tackles prevention, the expectations for different prevention outcomes, and sensor configuration options for optimal prevention.

Fidelis Elevate: MITRE ATT&CK Security Evaluations

The MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge) evaluations are focused on each product's technical ability to address known adversary behavior. These evaluations serve as an important first step in building a secure IT environment. This report will provide an overview of how to use and interpret these results, why they are important, and what else needs to be considered.

Aligning Visibility for Post Breach Detection and Response with Fidelis Elevate

In today's day and age, every organization faces many cyber adversaries, and the reality is that you cannot prevent all cyber-attacks. Timely threat detection and response are the only ways to prevent the escalation and spread of attacks. This whitepaper provides insights into seeing more across your environment by aligning visibility.