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External Exposure & Attack Surface Management For Dummies

Your attack surface has grown, it's now in cloud infrastructure and across subsidiaries and unknown, unmanaged assets are everywhere. How are you finding these? Attackers look for, find and attack these unknown assets and when there are externally exposed risks, sensitive data and critical systems are put in danger. Read now, External Exposure & Attack Surface Management For Dummies.

Understanding Continuous Threat Exposure Management

CTEM, a comprehensive risk reduction framework, integrates visibility risk assessment, issue prioritization, and validation. This approach facilitates the continuous identification and testing of exposed systems, enhancing decision-making and enabling a more proactive threat response. Download the white paper, Understanding Continuous Threat Exposure Management, to learn about CTEM's core components and how they contribute to cybersecurity resilience, how CTEM addresses the challenge of managing risk on attack surfaces, and how CyCognito's capabilities align with CTEM's requirements.

External Attack Surface Management

With the ever-growing volume of cybersecurity alerts and attacks bombarding security teams, more CISOs are taking a hard look at External Attack Surface Management (EASM) platforms to better understand how adversaries get into systems and how to keep them out. It's not surprising that EASM products have captured the industry's attention, as many organizations are seeing growth of their attack surfaces' growth outpace their detection and remediation abilities. Some of the driving causes: digital transformation, the cloud, third-party dependencies, subsidiary sprawl, and more.

Rethinking Penetration Testing

Your pen testing team is working hard, but they are facing an operational challenge due to the large number of assets they need to test and the time required to complete each test. As the fundamental approach to penetration testing has not changed much since the first test over 50 years ago, it's worth exploring whether the tool is still sufficient for securing today's IT environment.