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Comparing the tools used in MDR

Cyberthreats are advancing, and so must your security tools. Threats such as malware and denial-of-service attacks have been around since the earliest days of the internet, and the cybersecurity industry has created generations of threat detection and response tools to identify and remediate them. As cybersecurity threats continue to evolve and advance, the tools to identify and stop them need to evolve as well. The latest trend is to consolidate security tools onto a framework that incorporates AI to share information and speed threat identification.

MDR utilizes advanced security tools to extend defenses

Making the right choice on how best to detect, respond to and manage security threats is more important-and more complicated-than ever. To meet the demands of digital transformation and remote work, which have expanded the attack surface available to threat actors, organizations are scouring the market for new solutions that go beyond basic managed detection and response (MDR). They require a more versatile and flexible service that incorporates leading-edge tools such as XDR, MXDR, SIEM and SOAR.

Threat Intelligence about Oil & Gas Industry

The Oil and Gas industry is part of a country's critical infrastructure and an important part of the energy sector meaning that there is high possibility in being targeted by numerous individual attackers or APTs. Companies in this industry are highly likely to become targets of espionage from other countries and it has been proved that multiple attacks have taken place during the years against this sector, especially during periods of conflicts.

Bolstering cybersecurity for operational technology systems with MDR for OT

Many organizations have some kind of digitally driven industrial and operational processes that are mission critical. These systems now are under increasing pressure from cyberattacks, and the financial, operational, and reputational costs of downtime from them are enormous.

Threat Intelligence for Multi-Cloud Environments & ICSs

Almost every organization is in the cloud. In fact, most organizations above a certain size are in more than one. As multi-cloud becomes more common, however, ensuring security among multiple providers becomes more challenging. Being aware of these logistical challenges goes a long way toward planning around them. One of the best ways to do this is to deploy a comprehensive multi-cloud threat hunting strategy.