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5 Ways to Evaluate the ROI of Your Cybersecurity Program

Cybersecurity ROI isn't about cost savings. It's about how your cybersecurity program helps you achieve your goals while managing risk to a level that your executive team is comfortable with. So if you shouldn't measure success in cost savings, how do you measure it? BitSight is providing five steps that help CISOs and executive teams evaluate their company's cybersecurity performance.

Creating Trust in an Insecure World: Strategies for Cybersecurity Leaders in the Age of Increasing Vulnerabilities

Are you overwhelmed by the intricacies of your attack surface? Concerned about the rising risk of vulnerabilities in your and your partners' digital ecosystems? New BitSight research finds that the average vulnerability remediation rate across organizations is about 5 percent per month, sparking concern that the status quo of exposure and vulnerability management is broken. Moreover, organizations face significant challenges in managing vulnerabilities in their extended, third-party ecosystem, and most security leaders do not have the tools to address these emerging threats.

Build Cyber Resilience with BitSight's Advanced Analytics

Stop reacting to cyber risk as it comes. BitSight for Security Performance Management empowers security leaders to strengthen cyber resilience over time with objective, meaningful, and evidence-based metrics. Gain insights, drive decisions, and build confidence with our suite of advanced analytics.

5 Keys to Building a Scalable Vendor Risk Management Program

Traditional vendor risk management programs are not effective at mitigating risk in ever-expanding third-party networks, and yet 69% of businesses still rely on manual processes. It's time to take your program to the next level. How can you centralize, automate, and streamline your process to manage hundreds of vendors as effectively as you manage ten? Scalable VRM continuously detects, monitors, and mitigates risk, going beyond due diligence and initial assessments to constantly reassess and proactively act on vendor risk.