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INETCO Insight - Machine Learning and Risk Scoring for Real-time Payment Fraud Detection and Prevention

With The Nilson Report projecting $34.66 billion in global fraud losses by 2022, it is clear that crime syndicates are investing heavily in finding new and more advanced ways of countering the controls organizations are constantly implementing. Financial institutions, retailers, card service providers and acquiring processors are struggling to detect suspicious payment transaction behavior and prevent payment fraud attacks before experiencing major financial loss and customer dissatisfaction.

INETCO Insight Technical Overview - Real-time Data Acquisition, Transaction-level Monitoring and Adaptive Machine Learning Capabilities

This whitepaper discusses the INETCO Insight transaction data platform. It reveals how the software's unique data streaming, decoding, semantic correlation and statistical analysis engines can be rapidly configured to monitor any application type - custom, packaged, or industry-specific. INETCO Insight produces a single rich transaction record for every transaction, containing business, application, infrastructure, and network performance information that can be sliced and diced instantly to serve the diverse needs of different members of the IT and business teams.

Why a Multi-Layered Technology Approach is the Best Choice for Preventing ATM Cash-outs and Cybersecurity Attacks

Despite several recent high-profile attacks, ATM cash-out schemes that involve multiple attack vectors over a very large attack surface continue to happen. While traditional fraud system management tools will provide one layer of defense against cash-out attacks, common single point monitoring solutions still run a risk of being compromised.

Banking on ATM Big Data: How to use real-time transaction data to make your operations lean and customers keen

While the ATM channel remains a strategic part of a healthy omni-channel banking ecosystem, it is continuously under critical analysis within many financial institutions. The big challenge lies in maintaining ATM fleets as a profitable delivery channel.

INETCO Insight - Use cases to help you drive more business value from customer transaction data

Real-time transaction data has become a fundamental part of managing self-service channels and guaranteeing every interaction completes the way the customer expects. This is why banks, retailers and payment processors all over the globe are investing in powerful end-to-end data acquisition, real-time alerting and open data streaming capabilities.