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Lost in Translation: Vulnerability Management Communication Gaps

Vulnerability management is absolutely critical to protecting an organization’s IT and cloud infrastructure, systems, or applications from incoming threats. The ability to remediate the most relevant vulnerabilities quickly is the only way to keep your perimeter safe. Yet, security teams struggle with managing vulnerabilities. Why? At the core lies a fundamental communication and collaboration problem.

Building a Remediation Plan? How to Overcome the Top 5 Challenges

Building an effective remediation plan is crucial for enhancing security posture, ensuring compliance and minimizing operational risks. Modern attack surfaces with their ever-growing volume of vulnerabilities have only compounded pressures on remediation planning. Yet vulnerability and exposure management teams frequently encounter obstacles that slow down remediation planning, leading to increased risk exposure and potential regulatory penalties.

Elevate Your Security Strategy with Effective Vulnerability Prioritization

Vulnerability prioritization is essential for organizations to efficiently allocate resources, reduce risk, and protect critical assets. However, with an increasing number of vulnerability scanning tools in use, security teams face a growing backlog of findings. This overwhelming volume of data can lead to analysis paralysis, where critical vulnerabilities remain unaddressed while minor issues consume valuable time and resources.

Highlights of The 2024 Remediation Operations Report

As digital threats grow increasingly sophisticated, organizations must stay ahead by adopting advanced strategies to manage and mitigate vulnerabilities. This necessity has driven significant changes in how remediation operations are conducted, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement and innovation. Seemplicity’s 2024 Remediation Operations Report revealed several key trends and practices that are shaping the future of remediation operations.

Seemplicity Optimizes Collaborative Vulnerability Remediation with Microsoft Teams

Communication across business units, technology layers, and systems is a massive challenge when it comes to streamlining any process, especially vulnerability remediation. Seemplicity’s new Microsoft Teams integration elevates cross team collaboration by facilitating the distribution of information, remediation requests, and more. These capabilities enable users to share findings with varying levels of context, depending on the recipients’ requirements. .

Breaking Down the Phases of CTEM

Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) serves as a strategic framework for evaluating an organization’s security posture. CTEM is specifically designed to identify and address vulnerabilities and other security gaps within an organization’s digital infrastructure. In essence, CTEM is a systematic approach to fortify cyber defenses and mitigate potential security risks effectively. Gartner, which created CTEM, sees it as a sort of Vulnerability Management 2.0.

Quicker Fixes for What Matters Most: Seemplicity Leverages VulnCheck KEV

With the Seemplicity platform and VulnCheck KEV, organizations can remediate the riskiest vulnerabilities faster than ever. The integration of the VulnCheck KEV catalog, a community resource that enables security teams to manage vulnerabilities and risk with additional context and evidence-based validation, is available to all Seemplicity platform customers.