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Simplify Network Management with a Single Source of Truth

Managing complex networks can feel like an endless challenge, especially when critical data is scattered across multiple tools and systems. Conflicting sources of truth (SOTs) introduce risks, leaving IT teams uncertain about which data to trust. Without an accurate view of your network, tasks like CVE management, troubleshooting, and compliance become overwhelming—and potentially introduce risk into the network.

Forward Networks Recognized as an Outperformer in GigaOm's 2024 Radar for Network Validation

Forward Networks has been named an Outperformer in the 2024 GigaOm Radar for Network Validation for the third consecutive year. Among 15 vendors, Forward Networks achieved the highest overall score for key features and business criteria, cementing its position as an innovator and leader in the market.

Find and Remediate PAN-OS Vulnerabilities in Seconds with Forward Enterprise

The vulnerabilities CVE-2024-0012 and CVE-2024-9474 exploit weaknesses in the PAN-OS management interface, allowing attackers to bypass authentication and escalate privileges, potentially resulting in unauthorized control over network devices. Addressing these vulnerabilities quickly and effectively is critical to maintaining security and compliance.

Scaling: How We Process 10^30 Network Traffic Flows

Forward Networks ensures that the world's most complex and mission-critical networks are secure, agile, and reliable. A mathematical model of the network, including computations of all possible traffic paths, is built by collecting configuration data and L2-L7 states from networking devices and public cloud platforms.

Network Digital Twins Deliver Reliable AI Outcomes

In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), especially when applied to networking and security, the accuracy and reliability of data are paramount. AI systems are only as good as the data they consume, and for network engineers, feeding these systems with up-to-date and precise information can make the difference between optimal performance and costly errors.

Forward Networks Wins Mobile Breakthrough Awards' Enterprise Cloud Computing Software of the Year for the Fifth Consecutive Year

Mobile Breakthrough Awards has named Forward Networks the winner of its “2024 Enterprise Cloud Computing Software of the Year” award. This is Forward Networks’ fifth consecutive award win for Enterprise Cloud Computing from Mobile Breakthrough’s Award program.

5 Ways a Network Digital Twin Can Revolutionize CVE Compliance

In the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, the sheer volume of Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) notices has become a daunting challenge for SecOps teams. In 2023 alone, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued 28,901 CVE notices, reflecting the growing complexity and intensity of potential threats.

Effective Network Operations Require a Digital Twin Platform, Not a Toolbox

Tool sprawl is an expensive aspect of technical debt. IDC recently found that 43% of organizations doing business in the Americas have 500 or more software applications in their portfolios today (Application Services — Worldwide Regions, 2023, IDC #US50490416, April 2023). In the area of monitoring and observability tools alone, 50% of companies reported having between 11 and 40 tools.

Navigating the Challenges of CVE Management: Strategies for Effective Vulnerability Management

In today's rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, managing Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) is a critical yet increasingly complex task. As organizations scale their digital footprints, the sheer volume and diversity of vulnerabilities they must contend with have grown exponentially. This surge in potential threats, compounded by the sophisticated tactics employed by cyber adversaries, makes CVE management a required but complicated endeavor.