Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2024

Defend Your Data Against Cyberattacks with Rubrik & CrowdStrike

With the growing volume of data and increasing cost of breaches, organizations must find ways to manage and protect their ever-expanding datasets. To address this escalating threat landscape, Rubrik and CrowdStrike have joined forces to redefine cyber defense with several integration points between our platforms. This video walks you through the latest integration between Rubrik Security Cloud and CrowdStrike Falcon Insight XDR, from installing and configuring, through how the Rubrik data context can be used by a security operator when investigating an incident.

Understanding XDR, NDR, and EDR: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Cybersecurity Solutions

However, as cyber threats become increasingly elaborate, traditional measures to secure systems are usually inadequate. So how does one bolster an organization’s security? Today, 70% of organizations are fighting a broad set of threats ranging from sophisticated malware to advanced persistent threats. The necessity of real time threat detection and response mechanisms has never been greater. XDR, NDR, and EDR serve as strong detectors against this adversary. Let’s see why they are important.