Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

The Impending SIEM Wars: What Market Consolidation Means for Customers

The cybersecurity landscape is rapidly evolving, and nowhere is this more evident than in the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) market. This period of transformation, marked by strategic mergers and high-stakes buyouts, signals not only a race for market dominance, but also the potential for profound changes in how cybersecurity solutions will operate in the future.

Latest APT41 Campaign: Detection Opportunities | ThreatSnapShot

Have you ever read a threat report and thought, “These tools could definitely be superhero names”? Well, you’re not alone! In this video, we dive into the recent APT41 campaign and explore the detection opportunities that arise from it. From tools like BlueBeam, AntSword, DustPan, and PineGrove, we break down how these were used in APT41’s latest operations and how you can detect them in your environment.

What Is EDR Security?

Back in 2013, Gartner’s Anton Chuvakin set out to name a new set of security solutions to detect suspicious activity on endpoints. After what he called, “a long agonizing process that involved plenty of conversations with vendors, enterprises, and other analysts,” Chuvakin came up with this phrase: endpoint threat detection and response.

Detecting API Threats In Real Time

The digital economy runs on APIs, the building blocks of the modern internet. From effortless mobile payments to convenient food deliveries, APIs work silently behind the scenes to power the applications we use every day. While APIs aren't new, their usage has exploded in recent years. Cloud computing, agile development practices, and the pandemic-driven surge in digital services have fueled this rapid growth.

Understanding the Latest Threat Landscape: Insights from Mandiant M-Trends

In the constantly evolving world of cybersecurity, staying ahead of emerging threats requires continuous vigilance and adaptation. Fortunately for those of us in the industry, we’ve been able to count on highly respected digital forensics and incident response specialists like Mandiant to publish annual research on the latest security trends seen first-hand by their global teams.

Introducing ShellSweepPlus: Open-Source Web Shell Detection

Today, the Splunk Threat Research Team is thrilled to introduce ShellSweepPlus, an advancement in our ongoing mission to combat the persistent threat of web shells. Building upon the solid foundation of its predecessor ShellSweep, ShellSweepPlus is an enhanced version that takes web shell detection to new heights, incorporating cutting-edge techniques and a multifaceted approach to safeguard your web environments.

Black Hat NOC: Zero Trust...but Verify | Corelight

The Black Hat network is unlike an enterprise network. The network operations center (NOC), which Corelight helps to operate, sees traffic that would never be permissible on most enterprise networks. Still, in many ways the Black Hat network is a microcosm of many real-world environments, with similar challenges that require similar solutions.

Detecting The Agent Tesla Malware Family

Welcome to the latest from Corelight Labs! This blog continues our tradition of picking a popular malware family from Any.Run and writing a detector for it! Trending consistently at #1 on Any.Run’s malware trends list, Agent Tesla uses multiple protocols to communicate with its C2 infrastructure, making it more difficult to detect robustly than a malware sample utilizing only one network protocol for its C2.