Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2020

OSINT - Using Threat Intelligence to Secure Your Organisation

In my first article on Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Analysts, (CTI analysts) we covered what a CTI analyst is and discussed how they can bridge the gaps between IT, Security, and the Business. We discussed how this is beneficial to the maturity of the business, but what exactly did we mean by this? In the second article of our CTI analyst series, we’ll cover the unique benefits a CTI analyst brings to an organization by enhancing.

Threat Modeling in Times of Crisis

With most of the country sheltering in place and so many people working remotely, work-life balance is taking on a new meaning and cloud infrastructure is taking a beating. The dramatic increase in daily activity and network use is creating both a visibility challenge and an operating model shift for already lean security teams.