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March 2021

Cloud SIEM: Modernize Security Operations and your Cyber Defense

Scott Crawford, Research Director of Information Security at 451 Research, a part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, joined by Greg Market, Vice President and General Manager of Security at Sumo Logic, discuss the increased adoption of cloud as a deployment model for SIEM. Cloud SIEM and various forms of deployment has become a significant factor for enterprises according to survey-based research at 451 Research.

Forrester TEI study: Sumo Logic's Cloud SIEM delivers 166 percent ROI over 3 years and a payback of less than 3 months

We are seeing a renewed focus on accelerating digital transformation projects across business ecosystems and workflows within our customer base. These projects are enabling key business outcomes and this organizational transformation has given security and IT leaders the catalyst and opportunity to modernize security operations while eliminating on-premises debt.