Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2024

When SASE Meets DEM: Revolutionizing the User Experience

In today’s fast-evolving business world, IT Teams must ensure seamless user experiences to stay competitive. As networks grow more complex, IT faces increasing challenges in identifying and resolving performance issues that impact user productivity and satisfaction. Cato Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) addresses these challenges, helping IT ensure optimal user experiences.

Telcos Evolving in a SASE-driven World

This blog is part of the ongoing “I&O Perspectives” series, which features insights from industry experts about the impact of current threats, networking, and other cybersecurity trends. In the previous blogs of this series, we explored how the internet has evolved into a primary channel for corporate business traffic and how secure access service edge (SASE) has become the foundational security pillar of this new framework.

Streamline SASE Operations with Skope AI-powered Cloud Orchestrator

This is the third blog in our series, where we embark on a journey of Branch Transformation with the Next Gen SASE Branch solution. Built on the Netskope One SASE platform, the Next Gen SASE Branch solution combines its three layers–Context-aware SASE Fabric, Zero Trust Hybrid Security, and a SkopeAI-powered Cloud Orchestrator–into a unified cloud offering.

SASE: The Journey from Revolution to Evolution

I’ve always been captivated by technological revolutions. There’s something exhilarating about witnessing a paradigm shift, a moment when the world is fundamentally altered by innovation. I remember the first time I held an iPhone, realizing that it wasn’t just another phone—it was a device that would redefine communication, connectivity, and even society itself. Similarly, when I first encountered LLMs like ChatGPT, I felt that same spark.

ZTNA: A Game-Changer for C-Level Executives

In today’s digital age, where work from anywhere and hybrid cloud adoption are the norm, traditional network security perimeters have crumbled. IT organizations are using hybrid cloud strategies to combine the scalable, cost-effective public cloud with the secure, compliant private cloud. However, on the user side, enterprises are grappling with the limitations of VPNs, which were once the go-to solution for secure remote access.