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September 2024

The Four Transformational Impacts of SASE: Revolutionizing IT Infrastructure with Cato

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, IT departments face unprecedented challenges. From managing increasingly fragmented infrastructures to ensuring robust security, the demands on IT teams have never been higher. Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) represents a groundbreaking approach to addressing these challenges by converging networking and security into a unified, cloud-native platform. But what makes a true SASE platform so transformative?

The Retail Industry's Need for a True SASE Platform

In today’s rapidly evolving retail landscape, where digital transformation is no longer a choice but a necessity, the importance of a robust and agile network and security infrastructure cannot be overstated. Retailers face a multitude of challenges, from managing vast networks across geographically dispersed locations to safeguarding sensitive customer data in an increasingly complex threat environment.

How SASE and the Internet Took Over Wide Area Networks (Part 2)

This blog is part of the ongoing “I&O Perspectives” series, which features insights from industry experts about the impact of current threats, networking, and other cybersecurity trends. In the first part of this blog series, we observed the inception of an internet-based model where corporate networks have no borders anymore, home is the office, applications are in the cloud. This paradigm shift makes connectivity ubiquitous. But security risks have dramatically increased.

How to Build a RACI Matrix for Single-Vendor SASE Success

Selecting the right SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) vendor requires a solid project management tool that fosters collaboration between network and IT security teams. This collaboration, or team unity, will ensure alignment with an organization’s strategic goals while leveraging the respective expertise of stakeholders. Consequently, the selected SASE solution will meet network design, configuration, and security needs – essential for project success.