Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2022

Are SASE and Zero Trust the key for manufacturers grappling with IoT cyber risks?

As manufacturers dash headlong into smart factory initiatives, the number of IoT devices operating in factories, warehouses, and across supply chain infrastructure is exploding. Manufacturers seek to utilize IoT in a range of places, be it video camera inspection devices on the assembly line, temperature sensors on refrigeration units, or maintenance telemetry sensors on factory equipment.

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Netskope, a global cybersecurity leader, is redefining cloud, data, and network security to help organizations apply Zero Trust principles to protect data. The Netskope Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE) platform is fast, easy to use, and secures people, devices, and data anywhere they go. Netskope helps customers reduce risk, accelerate performance, and get unrivaled visibility into any cloud, web, and private application activity.


Netskope, a global cybersecurity leader, is redefining cloud, data, and network security to help organizations apply Zero Trust principles to protect data. The Netskope Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE) platform is fast, easy to use, and secures people, devices, and data anywhere they go. Netskope helps customers reduce risk, accelerate performance, and get unrivaled visibility into any cloud, web, and private application activity.