Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2020

SASE and the Forces Shaping Digital Transformation Part 3: Government and Industry Regulations, and Global Social and Economic Forces

Regulatory authorities are still trying to catch up with cloud computing let alone the revolution that business digitalization is causing as there is no longer a data center to audit or a firewall log to review.

SASE and the Forces Shaping Digital Transformation Part 2: Organizational Culture & Adversaries and Threats

At the convergence of digital transformation, an industry-wide focus on SASE, and the effects of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, there are key forces that security practitioners need to be aware of and operate within. This is the second blog in a series of three detailing these forces and how security leaders and practitioners can adapt to them in a digitally transforming, SASE-enabled world. This blog covers the forces of Organizational Culture and Adversaries and Threats.

SASE and the Forces Shaping Digital Transformation Part 1: Businesses Strategy and Information Technology Ops

At the convergence of digital transformation, an industry-wide focus on SASE, and the effects of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, there are key forces that security practitioners need to be aware of and operate within. This is the first blog in a series of three detailing these forces and how security leaders and practitioners can adapt to them in a digitally transforming, SASE-enabled world. This blog covers the forces of Business Strategy and Information Technology Operations.