Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2024

How to Enhance Secure Access to Screen Displays for Remote Workers

Remote work is the new normal, and while it is flexible, it can easily introduce security risks. Protecting sensitive information on screen displays is crucial. With employees working from different locations, it's easier than ever to be exposed to threats. Hackers, unauthorized access, and accidental data sharing are just a few concerns. That's why secure access to screen displays is more important than ever. Let's explore how you can strengthen security for remote workers.

Essential Security Best Practices for Remote Work

As we continue to embrace remote work, it’s crucial to keep our security practices sharp to protect both company and personal data. With increasing cyber threats, adhering to security best practices helps us safeguard our information and maintain our productivity. Here’s a quick guide to help you stay vigilant and secure while working remotely.

Key advantages of a virtual team over the traditional office-based team

Explore the key advantages of a virtual team over a traditional office-based team, including flexibility, cost savings, access to global talent, and increased productivity. Discover how virtual teams can transform your business operations.

How to Evaluate Remote Software Engineering Job Offers in South Asia

The whole job market scenario has changed with the introduction of remote working, and software engineers in South Asia have a lot of opportunities. With firms continuing to adopt remote working cultures, professionals in countries like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have opened up their doors to opportunities ranging from global tech giants down to innovative startups. Particularly, India has emerged as a hub for remote software engineering with its rich talent pool and one of the fastest-growing tech industries.