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August 2024

Beyond Snapshots: The Need For Continuous Penetration Testing

By James Rees, MD, Razorthorn Security Times must change (and always will) and nowhere is this more true than in the realm of technological advancement. Thirty years ago, the technological landscape was vastly different from what we have today and technological change has outpaced Moore’s Law for some time now. Information security must keep pace with these advancements. This has become especially true with the advent of AI.

Penetration Testing for Web Applications vs Websites

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring the security of both web applications and websites is paramount. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, organisations must employ robust security measures to protect their assets. Penetration Testing is a critical strategy used to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen defences. However, the approach to Penetration Testing can vary significantly between web applications and websites.

Red Teaming vs Penetration Testing: Understanding the Differences

In today’s rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, organisations must stay ahead of emerging threats and vulnerabilities to remain competitive. Two critical approaches to bolster security are Red Teaming and Penetration Testing. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they serve different purposes and employ distinct methodologies. Understanding the differences between Red Teaming and Penetration Testing is essential for implementing an effective cybersecurity strategy.

The Pros and Cons of Crowdsourced Penetration Testing - Is It Right for Your Organisation?

By Michael Aguilera, Lead Penetration Tester, Razorthorn Security Over the past decade, crowdsourced penetration testing has grown in popularity because of its convenience and cost effectiveness. However, this surge in popularity does not come without its caveats. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and risks of crowdsourced penetration testing, compare it with traditional methods and help you make an informed decision for your organisation’s cybersecurity needs.