Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2022

Centralized Log Management and NIST Cybersecurity Framework

It was just another day in paradise. Well, it was as close to paradise as working in IT can be. Then, your boss read about another data breach and started asking questions about how well you’re managing security. Unfortunately, while you know you’re doing the day-to-day work, your documentation has fallen by the wayside. As much as people are loathed to admit it, this is where compliance can help.

Threat-Based Methodology: Configuration Settings

This is the second post in the Threat-Based Methodology series. The first post introduced Threat-Based Methodology and the analysis conducted by the FedRAMP PMO and NIST. That post concluded with a list of the top seven controls based on their Protection Value. This post will explore CM-6 in greater depth and explain how Devo supports the ability to meet this control. CM-6, Configuration Settings, was determined to provide the most Protection Value with a score of 208.86.