Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2021

NIST Cybersecurity Framework - The Key to Critical Infrastructure Cyber Resiliency

In the digital age, organizations and the missions and business processes they support rely on information technology and information systems to achieve their mission and business objectives. Not only is technology used to efficiently enable businesses to carry out operational activities, but it is also the backbone for the United States’ critical infrastructure.

NIST SP 800-128 - Because Patching May Never Fix Your Hidden Flaws

Over the last few years, the idea of patching systems to correct flaws has graduated from an annoying business disruption to a top priority. With all of the notorious vulnerabilities that can wreak total havoc, the time it takes to patch becomes a minor inconvenience when weighed against both the technical challenges and possible regulatory penalties of not patching.