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September 2024

MDR vs MSSP: What is the difference?

At Obrela , our mission is to keep your business in business. And we achieve it by protecting and preventing malicious attacks from cybercriminals. When we onboard new clients, we are often asked to explain the difference between MDR and MSSP. Both options offer managed cybersecurity processes. However, there are some key differences between MDR and MSSP.

Why MSSPs Are Short on Good External Risk Management Tools

If you’ve worked in the Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) industry for a while, you might remember the era when the MSSP tool set consisted only of internal risk management solutions – like software that scanned client endpoints and application source code. Those days are gone. Today, external risk management has become just as critical a part of an MSSP’s job.

Solving MSSP Customer Abandonment Challenges by Choosing the Right MSSP Software

If you’re in the Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) business, landing new customers is great. What’s even better, however – and more crucial for long-term business success – is retaining existing customers. After all, keeping customers can cost up to 25 times less than acquiring new ones, according to Harvard Business Review.