Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2022

What to Expect from a Managed Security Service (MSS)

Organisations are increasingly turning to managed security service (MSS) providers to outsource their cybersecurity. But what should you expect from an MSS? This video provides an overview of the benefits, features and services offered by MSS providers.#managedsecurity #MSS Cyphere is a UK-based cyber security services provider helping organisations to secure their most prized assets. We provide technical risk assessment (pen testing/ethical hacking) and managed security services. This advice is a true third party opinion, free from any vendor inclinations or reselling objectives.

Cost-effective Managed SIEM Service

Contract with a third-party for managed SIEM services is increasingly affordable and requested by all-size organizations. Without any doubt, the advantages associated with this service allow monitoring, analyzing, and responding to cyber security threats more cost-effectively. However, what is a managed SIEM precisely? Is the price the only feature to take into account? What is the difference between a managed SIEM Provider (MSP) and a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)?

Working with MSSPs to optimize XDR

Businesses today have many tools in their security stack and security teams find themselves spending too much time managing the tools and not enough time tackling business-critical projects. Security tool overload creates internal challenges and distracts from the primary business mission. How can companies better protect themselves while staying on track to achieve goals?