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December 2023

Executive Order (EO) 14110: Safe, Secure & Trustworthy AI

More news about Artificial Intelligence (AI)? We know. It’s hard to avoid the chatter — and that’s for good reason. The rise of AI has many people excited for things to come. But many others are, quite understandably, concerned about the ethical implications of this powerful technology. Fortunately, the Biden Administration is working to address the concerns of the American people by governing the development and use of AI.

How to make your website GDPR compliant

GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation, is a data privacy law that many businesses around the world need to comply with. If you’re operating a business or managing a website, it’s important to know how the law applies to you and your website’s data collection processes. In this blog post, we’ll answer some fundamental questions about GDPR and provide guidance on how to get your website GDPR compliant. ‍

NIS2: Prepping your cybersecurity plan

If you are an organisation that operates or does business in the European Union (EU), then your team is likely preparing for the NIS2 Directive, an EU-wide legislation on cybersecurity. It provides legal measures to boost the overall level of cybersecurity in the EU and goes into effect on October 17, 2024. However, according to a survey by cybersecurity firm Sailpoint (and a Sumo Logic customer), only 34% of organisations in the UK, France, and Germany are prepared for NIS2.

Are the Fears about the EU Cyber Resilience Act Justified?

Discover the inner workings of the recently implemented Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) in the EU and explore why this framework has raised concerns about jeopardizing the open-source ecosystem. Join us in our latest blog post to delve into this important topic.