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May 2020

3 Regulatory Compliance Trends That Are Accelerating in 2020

A growing attack surface and the exponential rise of data has opened the floodgates for breaches, leading to increased scrutiny by regulatory agencies. It’s not surprising that in recent years, regulators have had to double down with compliance mandates that are more stringent and punitive than ever before.

Observing a Privacy Milestone: Expert Thoughts on GDPR's 2nd Anniversary

May 25, 2020 marks the second anniversary of when the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took full effect. Undoubtedly, many organizations have succeeded in achieving compliance with the Regulation by now. But that raises some important questions. What benefits have those organizations experienced in achieving compliance, for instance? Have they encountered any drawbacks along the way?

How to Comply with GDPR

When it comes to organizations incorporated and operating out of the United States, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance can be confusing. Many people struggle to understand what exactly is the GDPR and whether it applies to all organizations. On May 25, 2018, the European Union (EU) via the European Parliament, signed into law the GDPR, to an enhance Directive 95/46/EC.