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April 2024

Cyber incident response: a guide for small businesses

Cyber incident response offers a structured approach to respond to, manage and mitigate security incidents in order to limit the potential disruption of attacks. In this blog, we discuss how small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are being impacted by cyber threats, what cyber incident response involves and the steps you can take to protect your business.

Are You Prepared? - Incident Response 101

Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst is a good rule for many situations. The same applies to an incident response plan. Not every organization that develops an incident response plan has used it, but those who have needed to use one are happy they had it and they're a lot better off than those who had no plan. Join Gary Perkins and Chris Clements on April 3rd in discussing the importance of creating an incident response plan. Learn steps you can take to prepare your organization in the instance of a cybersecurity incident.

Effective Cybersecurity Incident Response: What to Expect from Your MDR Provider

Companies engage with a managed detection and response (MDR) provider to help ensure they detect cyber threats before they do any damage. The "response" part of the MDR moniker is key to that effort, making it vital to determine up front exactly what your chosen provider will do when it detects a threat in your environment.

What is Incident Response?

Incident response is a crucial aspect of cybersecurity that involves identifying, containment, eradicating, and recovering from security incidents. It is designed to minimise the impact of security breaches, protect sensitive data, and restore normal operations as quickly as possible. To facilitate a smooth incident response, organisations should create a comprehensive checklist that outlines the necessary steps, resources, and communication channels.