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April 2023

Gartner Names Trustwave in 2023 Market Guide for Digital Forensics and Incident Response Retainer Services

The industry analyst firm Gartner has named Trustwave as a Representative Vendor in its 2023 Market Guide for Digital Forensics and Incident Response Retainer Services. This distinction comes on the heels of Trustwave being named a Representative Vendor in Gartner’s 2023 Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response (MDR).

Incident Response Service Breakdown

Incident response is a comprehensive approach to dealing with potential security incidents, such as unauthorised access, data breaches, and malicious attacks that might affect an organisation’s network. The goal of incident response is not just to contain the threat but also to learn from it by understanding what happened, why it happened, and how it can be prevented from happening in the future.

Threat Hunting vs Incident Response for Cyber Resilience

Protecting data and protecting business continuity are both similar and different. In a data driven world, your mission as a security analyst is to prevent threat actors from gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data and systems. Simultaneously, you also need to investigate incidents rapidly, ensuring that critical services experience as little downtime as possible.

Effective AWS Incident Response: Examples and Recommendations

The use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in organizations around the world is prolific. The platform accounted for 31% of total cloud infrastructure services spend in Q2 2022, growing by 33% annually. Despite its widespread use, many organizations still fail to consider the nuances of incident response in AWS.