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September 2020

Joint "CYPRES" Report on Incident Response Released by FERC

Earlier this month, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) published a joint report entitled “Cyber Planning Response and Recovery Study” (CYPRES) in partnership with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and eight of its Regional Entities (REs) in order to review the methods for responding to a cybersecurity event.

Joint Cybersecurity Advisory on Threat Hunting and Incident Response Released

A joint cybersecurity advisory released on September 1st detailed technical methods for uncovering and responding to malicious activity including best practice mitigations and common missteps. A collaborative effort, this advisory (coded AA20-245A) is the product of research from the cybersecurity organizations of five nations.

Adaptable Incident Response With Splunk Phantom Modular Workbooks

Splunk Phantom is a security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) technology that lets customers automate repetitive security tasks, accelerate alert triage, and improve SOC efficiency. Case management features are also built into Phantom, including “workbooks,” that allow you to codify your security standard operating procedures into reusable templates.

What is Incident Response?

As new types of security incidents are discovered, it is absolutely critical for an organization to respond quickly and effectively when an attack occurs. When both personal and business data are at risk of being compromised, the ability to detect and respond to advanced threats before they impact your business is of the utmost importance.