Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2021

Redscan Ethical Hacking Roundtable: key insights for 2021

Redscan’s 2021 Ethical Hacking Roundtable event explored critical vulnerabilities and other key issues facing security teams. The roundtable panel featured George Glass, Head of Threat Intelligence at Redscan, Tom Tervoort, who discovered and disclosed Zerologon, Dr Elizabeth Bruton, Curator of Technology and Engineering at the Science Museum and Dinis Cruz, CTO and CISO of Glasswall and OWASP Project Lead. Key insights from the panel included.

Top 10 Hacks Of The Past Decade | Solarwinds | WannaCry | Panama Papers | Cambridge Analytica |

Security breaches have become a normal part of our lives over the past decade, but each hack comes with its own complications and ramifications. In this webinar, Teleport Tech Writer Virag Mody will dive deep into the details of the top 10 hacks of the past decade and how they affected the way we approach cybersecurity.