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October 2020

What is Smishing? SMS phishing explained

SMS phishing, or “Smishing,” is a mobile phishing attack that targets victims via the SMS messaging channel rather than through email. A natural evolution of the phishing phenomenon, smishing attacks attempt to dupe mobile users with phony text messages containing links to legitimate looking, but fraudulent, sites. These smishing sites try to steal credentials, propagate mobile malware, or perpetrate fraud.

Sophisticated phishing

Most of us can think of a time when we received a phishing email. In fact, most phishing emails are easy to identify, and automatically go to spam. However, in this ongoing pandemic, hackers are adopting advanced tactics that cleverly conceal their malicious intentions, and fly under the radar by leveraging the victim’s fear, anxiety, or plain negligence.

Get smart and stay safe: Best practices to protect you from digital financial fraud

The past two years have seen a 391% rise in fraudulent attempts that target digital transactions around the world. The research carried out by TransUnion also saw a specific increase of 347% in relation to account takeover so the average consumer needs to up their understanding of financial fraud risks. When data breaches and cyberattacks occur, it impacts society in various ways like lowering consumer trust and damaging foreign politics.