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October 2021

13 spooky security threats that happened in 2021

Alan is one of the senior officers of a financial bank in Texas. Alan was looking to buy a Halloween costume and got an email about a sale happening at a store near his neighborhood. He clicked on the email to learn more about the offer. In a few hours, his computer, which had critical high-profile customer files and details got infected by ransomware.

How Cyber Threat Intelligence Can Help to Protect Against Cloud Security Threats

The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the massive increase in using cloud computing services. As the world progresses through its online evolution, cloud computing services have become more of a necessity. However, along with businesses, cybercriminals have also seen this virtualization as a means of snagging more prey. The rapid increase in cloud computing services has made organizations face novel security challenges.

6 Most Common Causes of Data Leaks in 2021

The trend of global data breach events is steep and still continuing to tilt upwards. According to the latest data breach investigation report by IBM and the Ponemon Institute, data breach costs in 2021 have reached a record high. Last year, the average cost was US$3.83 million, and this year it has peaked at US$4.24 million. Mitigating these events involves comprehensive management of the entire attack surface, including the third, and even fourth-party vendor network.

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Fostering a culture of security with a hybrid workforce

Over the past two years, change has been rapid and widespread in the business world. The pandemic forced a frenzied shift to remote work, and the rushed adoption of new tools, workflows, and communication methods. Now, rather than cram back into the office all at once, many companies are testing the waters of hybrid work - either as a stepping stone or an indefinite transformation.

The Rising Tide of Data Breach Awareness

There’s an old saying that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” Unfortunately, this doesn’t ring true when it comes to data breaches and ransomware attacks. High profile security incidents continue to make headlines, and those headlines are impacting bottom lines. In response to these, the US federal government is modernizing its own cybersecurity infrastructure, and more state governments are implementing laws to protect citizens.