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September 2021

How to Report a Data Breach per GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Act is a broad set of data privacy rules that define how an organization must handle and protect the personal data of citizens of the European Union (EU). The Regulation also outlines the way that organizations can report a data breach. Articles 33 and 34 outline the requirements for breach notification; however, most businesses are still unaware of their responsibilities.

Titania Launches New Nipper Module to Protect Defense Industry and Suppliers from Cybersecurity Breaches

First dedicated tool to automate and assess Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) compliance within minutes; prioritizes risk and remediation and saves organizations up to $200 per network device.

Data Breaches: A Chance for Opportunistic Scammers & What You Should Watch for

Data breaches are now part of doing business, with many companies having been affected. Data is very valuable to criminals because it is often used to commit fraudulent activities as well as to enhance the credibility of scams. Data that is stolen ranges from Social Security Numbers (SSNs) to other identification documents and payment details.