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May 2020

'Glitch' in Illinois' PUA System Blamed for Exposing SSNs, Private Data

Government officials said that a glitch in the State of Illinois’ Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program exposed thousands of people’s Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and other private data. Jordan Abudayyeh, a spokesperson for Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzer, sent a statement to WBEZ on May 16. In it, she revealed that the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) had learned of a security incident involving its PUA program. As quoted by WBEZ.

Email, security, and breaches

Email-based attacks can take many forms, and are typically deployed by cybercriminals in order to extort ransom or leak sensitive data. Just recently, a banking Trojan named Trickbot targeted Italy, a hotspot for COVID-19 cases, with email spam campaigns. While the email subject line is in line with the daily concerns and talks about spread of the virus, the attachment was actually a malicious script.