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July 2024

Follow the Crypto Part 2: Tools and Techniques for Investigating Cryptocurrency Transactions

In part one of our “Follow the Crypto” series, we highlighted the growing need for cryptocurrency investigations in the fight against fraud. We discussed the hurdles that investigations face, from the anonymous nature of transactions to the complexity of analyzing blockchain data, but also noted some famous successful investigations.

The Financial Burden of Bots on Streaming Services

Business leaders often see security as an insurance policy – a box that CISOs need to tick just in case the organization comes under attack. This make it difficult for InfoSec decision makers to justify the cost of upgrading defenses. After all, we already ticked that box – right? But when it comes to automated attacks, it’s not a matter of “if” bots will target your business. It’s not even a question of “when”.

Why Your Business Needs Bot Protection Solution?

Our latest application security report shows a significant rise in bot attacks, jumping from 59.4 million in Q1 2023 to 147 million in Q1 2024—a 147% increase. These automated programs can disrupt services, compromise sensitive data, and threaten the integrity of online operations. To effectively mitigate these risks, businesses must adopt a robust bot protection solution.

Follow the Crypto Part 1: Why Fraud Teams Should Investigate Crypto Transactions

Nowadays, cryptocurrency is a buzzword in society. It’s mostly seen as a high-risk investment or associated with fast profit-making schemes. Despite this, its adoption has surged in recent years, and according to, the number of cryptocurrency holders has now hit 580 million. Unfortunately, not all of them hold it for legitimate reasons. We are at a juncture where criminals have the knowledge, services, and tools to channel their illicit profits through cryptocurrencies.