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June 2024

10 Botnet Detection and Removal Best Practices

If your device suddenly behaves like a re-animated zombie, it might be under a botnet attack. Botnet attacks, also known as zombie armies, involve hijacking internet-connected devices infected with malware, controlled remotely by a single hacker. These attacks can reach immense scales, as demonstrated by an incident where 1.5 million connected cameras were exploited to overwhelm and take down a journalist’s website.

AppTrana Bot Management Enhancements - User-Defined Bot Policies and More

Have you ever wanted to fine-tune the configuration of your Bot Management? With self-service rules, you get finer control over bot scoring and customize it according to user behavior on your applications. In this blog, we will cover three use cases that will explain how to use this feature.

What is a Sophisticated Bot Attack?

Earlier this year we stated that bot attacks can be run by anyone, from skilled individuals to organised gangs. Bots can hit websites for a number of reasons. Common attacks include credential cracking to account takeover, to scalping. These bots have the power and capability to conduct multiple attacks repeatedly. Those actions have long seen standard for bots though, so what is new in the world of bot attacks? What is making these attacks more sophisticated?