Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2023

Honeypot Recon: MSSQL Server - Database Threat Overview '22/'23

In a constantly connected world, protecting sensitive data in what are often complex database structures requires staying up to date with cyber criminals’ malicious attack techniques, and infection methods. This research is an extension of another project which involves monitoring attacks carried out on database servers worldwide. Understanding how these bots work can keep your digital world safe and secure.

The Hidden Dangers of Client-Side Bot Detection

If you’re shopping around for a way to stop bots damaging your brand – be that through enabling automated fraud, hoarding your stock, scraping your content or prices, or just eating up server resources – you’ve probably seen vendors advocating the use of “client-side detection”. They’re probably telling you it’s necessary for accurate bot detection.

Cybersecurity Sessions S02E02: AI regulation & music, scalping for immigration appointments

A fresh Netacea panel of cyber experts are on hand once again to discuss the latest developments in security and bot-related news! This month, in light of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman standing before US senators and requesting regulation of AI businesses, we give our views on whether one body – or even one nation – can or should regulate this rapidly developing industry.