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February 2023

Stalkerware Exposed | Cybersecurity Sessions #16 with Martijn Grooten

Our reliance on personal mobile devices leaves us vulnerable to attack; not just from anonymous criminal groups, but in some cases, from those closest to us. Stalkerware, a category of apps designed to secretly monitor the unsuspecting victim whose device they’re installed on, are a growing concern for security and privacy advocates, as well as law enforcement agencies.

The Dark Side of AI: How Malicious Bots May Exploit ChatGPT

In recent years, the world of artificial intelligence (AI) has seen a significant increase in the use of language models. ChatGPT, a language generation model developed by OpenAI, has been making waves in the news with its ability to process large amounts of data, which can be used to train machine learning models and to test them. One feature that’s grabbed headlines is its ability to write code and provide feedback on the accuracy and efficiency of code.

Why Bots Threaten Your Cybersecurity

Say what you want about bots, but you have to admire their versatility. Bots do everything from rank Google results and serve up cat photos on your Facebook feed, to sway elections and defraud retailers. Basically, they’re quite flexible. These days, bad bots are big business, with cybercriminals around the world using them to fraudulently access accounts, attack networks, and steal data.