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September 2022

Addressing the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage

In 2021, there were an estimated 4.19 million cybersecurity professionals in the workforce — an increase of more than 700,000 since 2020. This welcome growth suggests businesses are now taking online threats more seriously than ever. But while the cybersecurity workforce is growing, it’s still a long way from where it should be. Skills shortages in cybersecurity are currently the highest on record.

How to stop PS5 scalpers this Black Friday

The PlayStation 5 has been in high demand since its November 2020 launch day. Supply chain issues stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic and trade war between China and the US have led to an ongoing global shortage of computer chips. Sony simply can’t keep up with demand for its newest console. This demand has created a huge opportunity for product scalpers. The PS5 remains one of the most targeted products by scalper bots two years after its launch.

Netacea Quarterly Index: Top 5 Scalper Bot Targets of Q2 2022

Please wait while flipbook is loading. For more related info, FAQs and issues please refer to DearFlip WordPress Flipbook Plugin Help documentation. DearFlip: Loading PDF Worker... Netacea’s Threat Research team investigated the top five items targeted by scalper bots from April to June 2022. The research revealed we are approaching a pivotal moment in the war on scalper bots.

Refund Fraud-as-a-Service: What it means for eCommerce businesses

eCommerce is a trillion-dollar industry. But as the popularity of online shopping grows, so does the risk of refund fraud, which now costs businesses more than $25 billion every year. Refunds are a standard cost of retail — especially in eCommerce. But online shopping makes it much more difficult for businesses to investigate and verify valid refund demands from customers. Some customers take advantage of these difficulties by committing refund fraud.

How to protect your business from remote work security risks

The Covid-19 pandemic caused a seismic shift in remote working practices. Before the pandemic, 34% of US employees worked remotely at least one day a week. Now, as we emerge from the pandemic, 35% of Americans work from home full-time — with a further 23% able to work remotely part-time. This equates to approximately 92 million remote workers in the US alone. But this rise in remote working is causing significant corporate cybersecurity issues.

Is your security strategy too focused on the next SolarWinds or Log4j?

Cyber-attacks happen around the clock, far more often than can ever be reported outside of the organizations they affect. But sometimes an attack is so widespread and devastating that it sends shockwaves through the business world and even into the mainstream media. Incidents like SolarWinds and Log4j were front page news, sending organizations scrambling to patch them.

Cybersecurity Sessions podcast: My favorite moments from the first ten episodes

Almost a year ago, I took on a new challenge: Start a podcast about cybersecurity – The Cybersecurity Sessions, hosted by Netacea co-founder and CPO Andy Still. To be honest it’s not always easy finding the time to record the podcast between Andy’s more business-critical duties, but it’s a task he’s looked forward to greatly each month since last November. That’s because, like me, Andy is always seeking out new perspectives and information.

Ethical hacking & bug bounty hunting | Cybersecurity Sessions #11 with Jessica Haworth

Cyber-criminals are relentless, and the number of attacks is growing. Businesses are increasingly turning to ethical hackers to find bugs and exploits before attackers do, offering financial incentives for their efforts. As a security researcher, our host Cyril Noel-Tagoe is always on the hunt for new vulnerabilities. He’s joined for this episode by ethical hacking enthusiast and Daily Swig reporter Jessica Haworth, who has a finger firmly on the pulse of the latest bug bounty programs and developments.